An all round great person. Extremely kind to everyone and the best person to be around. They give funny advice but also good advice. They don’t judge you. They don’t care what other people think of them and always seem very cheerful but deep down they are verry depressed and just looking for love. If you see them about they are always willing to say hello and give you a hug. You could spend hours on end with them. Don’t ever lose a SAM they are the best.
Hey I saw SAM in town today. He came over and gave me a hug and almost cried. He is so nice.
Sam is an EpIc GaMeR with barely any talent. He loves art and cooking, he enjoys watching memes and YouTube if you just ask him he will make something 4 u
“Sam. is an epic friend but he has no talent except when it comes to drawing.”
This name is the name of a guy getting yelled at by a friend, whenever he says something. That something is either, sarcastic, a bit rude, or extremely funny but she won’t admit it
And “S A M” is usually followed by “S T O P HAJD”
“I told you I would do it!”
Sam is a beautiful human being. He has one of the biggest 9 incher you have ever seen.
He is a sexy beast who reels in all the ladies. He lasts 30 minutes. And will for sure please you all over
Are you OK?! you like like you've been Samed pretty hard
Literally the god of humanity. Hes so fking handsome he will fuck your mom and dad at the same time. Also the prettiest ball hair
Wow your balls are lookikg like a sam
Will run a train on your girl with the boys. Will do anything for some head.
Bro it’s obvious she cheated on me with Sam
Sam is the one who drives back home his or her friends because Sam doesn't drink
You're the Sam I need!
You're such a Sam!
My Sam, my Hero!