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Boner Hug

When you have a boner and you try to hug them without them knowing. Usually you put your hip back to avoid touching them with your erect penis, which makes you look very weird.

I had to give everyone boner hugs so they wouldn't think i was some pervert.

by Skubs. July 23, 2017

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Boner champ

one who is a champion of getting boners, or this phrase can be alternatively used as a term of endearment

i.e. i
Guy 1: fucked a snowman and didnt lose wood!
Guy 2: did you bust?
Guy 1: hell yea all over up inside that snowmans bunghoe
Guy 2: wow bro youre a total boner champ

I.e. 2
Guy 1: hey man sorry i cant come out tonight i got grounded for putting a cactus in my uncle billys mailbox

Guy 2: its ok dont worry about it you litttle boner champ

by big but toucher December 12, 2016

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Boner Headache

A metaphor for a throbbing headache, which gets its name by comparing a headache to a throbbing boner.

Whoa dude, I woke up with a boner headache this morning. My head is killing me.

by xJohnn August 8, 2011

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Boner Jam

Any song that induces intoxication and the opportunity to dance like an asshole with a member of the opposite sex.

Lowdown by Boz Scaggs is the ultimate Boner Jam.

by Mel Balls November 6, 2007

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Boner narcolepsy

When you pretend to be asleep because you don't want your roommate to think you are checking out his raging boner.

Pretending to be asleep (lapsing into classic Boner Narcolepsy) , I kept my eyes closed and lay perfectly still while Stephano pranced about our dorm room with a massive boner.

by Mr. Stockcar May 25, 2016

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Boner Toner

Phrase used to describe the use of semen as printer ink.

This printer is so horrible I would rather spend money on boner toner than that expensive ink crap!

by LedZeppelin1419 October 12, 2010

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Boner Island

1) In the popular television show Lost, the audience discovered during season 3 that everyone has been having sex on the island. This prompted the title of Boner Island for the island on which the show takes place.
2) In Mario Party 8 for the Wii, when a player lands on a golden space, they will be transported to a secret location filled with a bunch of free coins and a free star at the end. This secret, magical, and sometimes mysterious location was given the title of Boner Island for these reasons. Derived from the Boner Island on Lost.

1) -Did you watch Lost yesterday?
-Yeah, they should call that place Boner Island.

2) -Yes! I landed on the gold space. Off to Boner Island.

by Live Texas Boatshow February 12, 2008

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