Mainly a mexican girlie who is explicitly attracted to pitbull.
Dunny: Shes such a Dale bunny.
Dummy: A waht??
Similar to passenger princess, a passanger bunny is typically a female who only rides passanger but also does sexual favors while driving or on a road trip (hence the bunny).
I wish my wife was a passenger bunny instead of a passanger princess.
A twitch/YT streamer named ItsBunniTTV (commonly known as bunni) streams an fps game called Valorant.
Bunni is streaming! Check her out
Used, typically ironically or sarcastically, to express sympathy or commiserations; tough luck.
If your income falls, tough bunnies.
when a discord e person hops around to different e people.
"She's hopping men like a discord bunny!"
Is a sexual game where the 1st person shoves as many marshmallows up there anal cavity as possible. Once they are done the 2nd person will suck as many marshmallows out as they can, and if all our sucked out the wnd person must say "chubby bunny" to win. If the 2nd person can not fit all marshmallows in there mouth, or can not say the phrase at the end, the 1st person wins.
Person 1: Man, I lost against brad in winking bunny. I dont understand how a person can fit that many in there mouth.
Person 2: Sound like you have a small ass hole, you need to expand it more.