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fake usb

See vape sometimes just a virus stick

Kid: can I take a shit
Teacher: yeah but why are you taking your USB with you
Kid: ......................... Porn. Definitely not to vape. This dedinetly isn't a fake usb
Teacher: o-k

by ADD ME ON SNAP GAYTARD_69420 April 18, 2019

fake nigga

Nigga that dont give snus

Comeon be a real nigga not a fake nigga

by faker neiga November 19, 2016

fake donny fans

It mean's that you arent an fan of donny simple as that.

You guys are all **fake donny fans**!!

by ContentStatic March 11, 2022

Fake my Jake

Fooling or tricking someone; yanking one’s chain

He told me he was a millionaire, but he can’t fake my Jake.

by Pnutz94 January 3, 2023

Fake n Aye

When someone hits and fake and they score.

Cedric pump faked the ball and they flew by and put in and said aye just like a fake n aye.

by Nicholas2XB May 19, 2024

Fake Rude

When someone acts like a bitch and talks with attitude but they have a good heart

Diana you are Fake rude. Because I know you are a sweet person but u just have so much attitude and u sound so rude.

by EJ6ANGEL October 21, 2021

fake having

when you pretend to have a lot of money on the net but you really broke as hell

person 1:“Aye you seen all that money jay got? “
person 2: “Man that’s his mama rent money. He fake having”

by moommwras March 4, 2024