See vape sometimes just a virus stick
Kid: can I take a shit
Teacher: yeah but why are you taking your USB with you
Kid: ......................... Porn. Definitely not to vape. This dedinetly isn't a fake usb
Teacher: o-k
It mean's that you arent an fan of donny simple as that.
You guys are all **fake donny fans**!!
Fooling or tricking someone; yanking one’s chain
He told me he was a millionaire, but he can’t fake my Jake.
When someone hits and fake and they score.
Cedric pump faked the ball and they flew by and put in and said aye just like a fake n aye.
When someone acts like a bitch and talks with attitude but they have a good heart
Diana you are Fake rude. Because I know you are a sweet person but u just have so much attitude and u sound so rude.
when you pretend to have a lot of money on the net but you really broke as hell
person 1:“Aye you seen all that money jay got? “
person 2: “Man that’s his mama rent money. He fake having”