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got the gonah

When she got the gonorrhea

That girl got the gonah.

by naughtynumbercruncher February 29, 2016

you got owned!

something that may be said in a video game, typically a first person shooter, when the enemy is killed by you very quickly, and barely seen onscreen.

could also be said as "ya got owned" or "you got pwned"

enemy: shows arm around corner
me: pew pew
enemy: aaaaghauagau i am dead
me: you got owned!

by furryslayer2008 August 26, 2022

Got Wick'd

Getting Wick'd, is like getting completely destroyed or demolished. It originates from the character John Wick in the John Wick series, as he is able to kill people very easily and effectively.

Daveed "Peter got Wick'd in CoD yesterday."

Jamal "How did he lose so easily? Who beat him?"

by clickr May 28, 2024

got the rose

Being chosen, being the one

Yeah! I got the rose! Its me who has been chosen for the project!

by Eielbiem May 11, 2017

foo got

A real shithead; idiot

Justin Trudeau is a silly little foo got.

by Objective-Reason Daddy August 21, 2023

who’s got the conch?

An exclamatory question used when somebody else’s phone is connected to the Bluetooth speaker.

“Hey, who’s got the conch? I wanna play a song

by Secshunate March 18, 2023

you got a deep tree

Big dick or something of that sort

Wow you got a deep tree!

by Lmaydtycimm December 18, 2022