The D is a mystical being who is an accomplice of The J. He used to be called Dennis R, but the community slowly started shifting towards calling him "The D" as the merchandising started to feature the latter name.
The D has received various buffs and debuffs throughout this update. He is no longer as prone to getting debuffed by missfosters or The J. However, his attack stat has become reduced while his defense stat has been increased, making him more of a tanky pick.
The D's number one move, "Neverending Anger", has been greatly buffed in that it now also boosts his defense.
Man, I was almost killed by The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch) yesterday.
broooo..... The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch) is so powerful he opened the door when two people were blocking it.....
I wish I could have my very own The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch)!
Reciving a blowjob from a chick who rejected you
Damn u got rejected?!?
It’s cool I got post nut revenge
June 21Post pictures of your girl so that other hoes can back the fuck off
Celebrate national post your girl day
Licking is Similar to "liking" an online post or message but 4.5 times more powerful.
Licks, not likes!
"Licked" an online post or message
I would like 3 cases of lone star light please.
Once this message has been licked it recieves 4.5x the power of some lameass who simply "likes" a message.
Looks like another gang war's stirring
Gonna sit back and relax
F.1 united beware
------Gang War Posts #1------
The Phenom of people suddenly gaining fame and being appreciated after they die even though they were ignored or disliked while they were living.
It often happens because when someone dies you don't have to acknowledge the bad aspects of them so you focus on what you like about them.
Van Gogh had a bad case of post-mortem adoration.
Damn dawg, if I was ignored in life but then gained fame and appreciation after I die, that would be post-mortem adoration
A thought or sentence that continues the previous statement or thought before the prior compleation of thought and or sentence.
This may be due to either a break in the mental stabilty of one's logic chain, or the possiblity that the subconcious answers the question before the concious mind has fully formed it. Other possibilities lay within apathy or acceptence of the individual.
As opposed to a 'brain fart' there is no time between a) the orginal thought and b) the inturrupting conclusion.
"Do I want to... never mind that would be dumb." i.e. Post-Sequitur
"I want to say... don't you think?" i.e. Post-Sequitur
"Was it my, doesn't matter I don't regret it." i.e. Post-Sequitur
"Watch.. (he'll figure it out) !!" i.e. Post-Sequitur