When a coworker tells on you and the boss calls you into their office to talk to them; Refers to the way kids have to talk to the principal when they get in trouble and makes fun of the way that the tattle tales are being childish.
Someone snitched on me, now I’ve got to go talk to the principal.
Usually referred to as the conductor of the "Addy Train". The train you get on when you need to "get on that zoomazooma-zoom-zoom". Talking to the conductor of the train gives you special abilities beyond just "Riding the Train". It allows you to crank the speed of it up to about Mach 3.
"What's got into you today bro, you're going 100 miles an hour today?"
"This morning I knew I wasn't feelin like gettin shit done so I had to hop on that traaiiin and talk to the conductor!!!"
when you want to describe yourself taking a shit but you seem to write "talking a shit" instead of "taking a shit". it can also mean talking about the characteristics of faeces.
Rose: (on snapchat) When you're talking a shit
George: (sees Rose's snap) Well, so the consistency of the shit is NOT WELL.
Annie: LMAO
A beautiful day of celebration that nobody knows or will know about. If you have money talks with a person that means that you and person will forever be friends no matter what happens. You must set a date for the money talks day and make a promise that no matter what happens, money talks will happen. Money talks is great, if you know you know. Smoke some blunts, roll one smoke when you live like this you’re supposed to party.
Person 1: when is money talks
Person 2: June 25!!! I’m so excited
Person 2: omg I’m counting down
Whatever you do, don't talk about this.
Mike: Remember the rules Derek. We don't talk about Fight Club. Now get back in the ring boyo!
something is just usual but you talk as if only you knew it.
Chris: If there is no change, this month is December.
Lisa: you talk right as rain!