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Legacy Team

Refers to a team with a rich history, one that has achieved significant success and has a longstanding impact on the sport. Legacy teams are often associated with a strong tradition of success, a large and dedicated fan base, a profound amount of passion and dedication as well as a historical influence on the development and culture of football in their respective regions.

These teams may have won numerous titles and trophies, established legendary players and managers, and contributed significantly to the overall narrative of their sport. These teams have not only achieved success on the biggest of stages but have also played a crucial role in shaping the history and identity of their sport.

Boy 1: Real Madrid are a Legacy Team!
Boy 2: Yeah, they're the best team in the world

by SportsGreatestWatcher November 27, 2023

Kristi Noem's PR team

Really mishandled that situation... I could have fixed it.... You're paying these people to do things and I am so much better than them....

Hym "Ohoho and fix it I could... The need to hire me for Kristi Noem's PR team... Honey, I would give you the world... All you have to do is let me out of the cage..."

by Hym Iam May 15, 2024

fantasy fuck team

A group (team) of possible sex partners that can be traded or changed as often as your libido does. Usually comprised of celebrities, but can also contain forbidden crushes and people way out of your league. Plus, even better than fantasy football, you can substitute players mid-game or even mid-play. You can have as many bench warmers as you choose, and you can even share players with other people's teams.

I started my favorite player, Channing Tatum, on my fantasy fuck team, but somewhere during the night, I called a substitution for Charlie Hunnam.

by cool-chick-a-rama September 27, 2017

Brendan's fantasy football team

1) A terrible and highly-overrated team of fantasy footballers; the most notoriously shitty "Brendan's fantasy football team" plays in the "Justice For John Markus Nead"

2) The vaginal equivalent of male "blue balls"

1) Rocco: "Brendan's fantasy football team blows"
2) Raul: "My girl had a bad case of Brendan's fantasy football team last night"
Spencer Ware: "Shoulda fucked her as hard as I fucked Rocco's team in the championship"

by Rocky C 816 August 12, 2017

Team EtH

Specific team of gamers who are constantly murdering kids mostly in Halo 2 and 3, but by instinct they own every other game they play. Team EtH orginally derived from the word ethereal, which means heavenly, godly, or not of this world.

Boy-Wow, me and darren just got raped last night in Halo 3.

Friend-Damn by who?

Boy-Some kids who play on Team EtH, they go by the name DeaDShoT and PureKhAoS. They've got some dirty double work.

Friend-Shit i'll stay away from them.

by J.COPE 252 February 6, 2008

Team Stade



by gayn1bba October 13, 2018

Team Tag

Team Tag isnt a real word Tissoo!

Tissoo: ima team tag ur mom
Me: thats not a real word moron

by itsnugut November 1, 2022