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no u

uno reverse but better and more offensive

person:ur a dumass
reply:no u are a dumass

by samaira_madarchod May 16, 2022

No u

The ultimate comeback to a losing argument and is always impossible to recover from once someone uses this on you.

John: yOur Möm gÀy xD
Billy: no u
John: no u
Billy: no u

by TherealCPlanet1 February 16, 2018

No U

it ligit means "OK FINE" the end to all battle which used against you gives the opponent a free victory

Cat :your dumb
someone else: No U

by JesusTheRealOne2948 November 22, 2021

No U

A comeback in case of the worst of the worst insults

Jeff: Tyrone stop leaving the kids
Tyrone: STFU ur mom gay lol
Jeff: No u
Tyrone: has a aneurysm and gets raped by 20 black Colonel Sanders
Sanders: Butthole Licking Good

by FascistPup February 22, 2018

no u

The ultimate comeback to a twelve year old on Fortnite calling your mom gay.

12 yr old: you're mom gay lol
Me: no u

by OOOOOOOOOOFF March 10, 2018

no u

the greatest comeback of all time.

someone: ur mom gay
you: no u
*everyone claps in unison*

by mayapples April 12, 2019

no u

The most divine comeback to anything, this pair of words allows any user to annihilate their opponent. Anyone who crosses these words will die a horrible death, while the user will laugh at your stupidity

Guy 1: "You wanna know who I saw?"
Guy 2: "Who?"
Guy 1: "Joe"
Guy 2: "Who's Joe?"
Guy 1: "JOE MOM GAY"
Guy 2: "no u"
Guy 1: "NANI? what is this feeling, my brain, its shrinking"
*Proceeds to die due to stupidity"

by wood fired pizza October 20, 2019