(n) Tacky street fair. Temporary pedestrian mall selling inexpensive items such as tube socks, lemonade, scarves, sunglasses such as to impede normal traffic. Crowded street fair that has nothing of worth to purchase.
I would have been here twenty minutes ago but I ran into a damn tube-sock roadblock!
This tube-sock roadblock is a terrible place to spend an afternoon.
People who pretend to be race horse trainers who are fronting for scum bags who can’t get a licenses.
The sock puppet people are taking all the purse money from the real racehorse trainers.
On crazy sock Sunday you do something illegal in you goofyest socks so everyone knows it’s a joke
victim-*looks at socks* oh ok
Sock wearer-*unloads appropriately 30 rounds into the person shredding them to pieces*
Victim-that was a crazy sock Sunday
Things teenange boys have sexual intercourse with
I went in my teenage sons room and stunned my toe on a pile of Hanes socks
Where all of these fuckin sexy girls search up and doing sexy stuff with them
Girl: Imma using Hanes socks for being sexy.
When you dropped an ice cube and forgot to kick it under the fridge so it melts and you step in it later
Christian didn’t kick that ice under the fridge, now I have sloppy socks!
When partially withdrawing as far as your helmet from doggy position the Labium minus is inverted to form a sheath resembling a rubber steering boot, a toilet plunger or a section of tube sock.
It appears only an asian or latino is tight enough to give me a tube sock....