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Fuck-Boy Feminist

A man who performs selective feminism in a self-aggrandising attempt at ingratiating himself with women and getting laid.

You are a Fuck-Boy Feminist. The most insidious form of misogynist.

by Gaby Birle January 26, 2024

Fuck me dry

When you ask someone to fuck you dry when you’re in the mood 😏. Usually until everyone is dry.

Girl: Me and my friend want to fuck you dry
Boy: Alright! 😏😏😏 Can’t wait for you both to fuck me dry.

by Pop_tart._. November 13, 2018

Mississippi But-Fuck

When a female wears an oversized camel hoodie and proceeds to put it over her eyes as a man puts soy sauce and peanut butter on her ass and inserts his shaft into the dirt road.

Wow hunny, that was an amazing Mississippi But-Fuck last night!

by Motorboater300 December 24, 2024

what in the actual fuck

My reaction to almost every single article on this... GODFORSAKEN WEBSITE, roamed by the filthiest of beings make the most DIABOLICAL "sexual" terms that previously didn't exist. (DO NOT LOOK UP ONION RING PLEASE)

Person A: "Hey look at this urban dictionary article! Person B:"WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK ????"

by 2Uvas June 18, 2024

Fucking Nazi

An american that hates and is agaist gun rights, going out of their way to protest against them and treating gun owners like adolf hitler himself

Man : An old lady got mad at me for having a gun holstered on my belt
Postal Dude: Fucking Nazi

by ayakasan99 August 29, 2022

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

fuck (animal)

Its a frog, and a duck together, thats what a fuck is.
fuck (animal)
btw no this is not an inside joke! I just randomly got the idea

Percipient #9272 : is that a dog?
Percipient #2937 : nope, thats a fuck (animal)
Percipient #9272 : oh

by i killed my wife for children April 29, 2023

peking fuck

Sweetest, tenderest, most phenomenal sex with a Chinese person.

Susan: "So Gloria, was Cheng as nice as he looked?"

Gloria: "Oh God yes. The minute he laid his hand on my leg, we were in the back seat having a peking fuck."

by WrecktumDelight July 28, 2024