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mommy's boy

A mommy's boy is a boy or a man who has a very close relationship with his mother. As an adult, a mommy’s boy may talk to his mother on a daily basis and spend more time with her than some consider normal.

It's too bad, when you decided to marry your "mommy's boy" that you didn't realize how things would inevitably turn out.

by must.aculo.us May 11, 2008

65πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

lavender boy

a feminine or girly gay man. name is a reference to how gay couples would give eachother lavender stalks as a sign of their affection before being gay was accepted by american society as a whole.

person 1: why do you wear skirts and dresses if you're a man?
person 2: I'm a lavender boy, I like dressing feminine
person 1: oh okay

by g33se_t33th October 31, 2020

39πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Yeh Boi

A celebratory cry used by da lickle yoot dem to express joy or victory


(Yeh Boi)

by Rorror September 15, 2016

184πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

pretty boy

A young man who is in touch with himself and takes care of his hygiene. A young man who takes the time to look his best and is presentable. It does not make him homosexual or gay, he is just wanting to look good.

A young man who goes to the store and has to make sure that he is matching and his face is washed and teeth are brushed and clothes have been ironed. This is a Pretty Boy

by D. Thornton October 22, 2006

902πŸ‘ 432πŸ‘Ž

backstreet boys

a boy band that was immensely popular among elementary-school girls in the 90's

a pop group whom it is now shameful to have liked, but everyone should just admit that they still have all of their albums

Holy crap. The Backstreet Boys are coming back. Life is good.

by ehhhh April 16, 2005

1226πŸ‘ 602πŸ‘Ž

semen boy

An individual who jacks off in class...generally to his respective teacher. (Abbreviated SB)

1. A: DUDE that guy is totally jacking off in class!!!
B: What do you expect...he's an SB

2. A: What do Semen Boys do?
B: Jack off in class....duh

by The Revealer of the Truth February 9, 2010

66πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Proud boys

This is what happens when a bunch of redneck wankers finally get the truck running long enough to leave the trailer park and drive around yelling names at anyone who doesn’t wear a MAGA hat and smell like beer piss.

Those proud boys were sure as hell surprised to find out that the 6’ 2” 275 lb power lifter didn’t like being called β€œlibtard”.

by Goatrael July 15, 2018

1176πŸ‘ 581πŸ‘Ž