Source Code

Air Virgin

Someone Who hasn’t jerked off yet

“You can tell he’s an air virgin by his virgin walk

by LilNomad September 13, 2019

Air Cake

Cunnilingus on an air hockey table.

For their anniversary, Dick gave Jane an air cake.

by johnnyc112 March 27, 2011

Air Fryer

When you are showering with someone and break wind, causing the stench circulate and waft about. Similar to a Dutch Oven, only in the shower.

Nothing kills the mood quite like an Air Fryer.

by Janers August 8, 2023

Air Fryer

Black African male who jumps in the sun

Damn did you see that black he just did an air fryer

by Metheguy September 21, 2023

ima air out

The act of shooting a place up using a firearm in any specific place.

Sam: Ugh I hate this place
Alex: lmaoo me too

Sam: ima air out.

Alex: aye chill bro

by nutsfornaeva January 8, 2024

Mitsubishi Air Conditioner

Essential price of 2000s kid childhood. brings extremely fond memories to kids

Boy: YOOO omg is that a Mitsubishi Air conditioner???
Girl: What do you mean? looks normal to me.
Boy: Wow, someone didn't get raised right DAMN!

by Eman1530 January 24, 2024

Pink Air Biscuit

Pink Air Biscuit

Definition #2

A pink air biscuit is when a babe cups her hand over her pussy and then pussy farts into her hand and covers the nose of someone else with her hand so they can smell her pink air biscuit.

No bracket linking is offered in this definition to prevent its meaning from being tainted by linking it to word meanings unrelated to pussy. THIS TERM EXCLUSIVELY CONCERNS PUSSY!!! It has nothing to do with homosexual anal sex.

I want to smell one of her pink air biscuits.

by Ronald Byrd January 10, 2019