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L mirror pic

An insult for a person's photo in the mirror

That's a L mirror pic
Stupid L mirror pic
Go take another L mirror pic

by dftgh September 13, 2024


The MSN/Windows Live Emoticsons for Kiss (K), Heart (L), and Rose (R), whcih are is a Combo ow how much you love them for "Cyber-Daters"

Kelly: Hey babe im going to bed (K)(L)(R)

Jon: Goodnight darling, (K)(L)(R). See you tomorrow!


(K) Killing, We'll leave love alone as (L), (R) for recklessly!
Jon: (k)(l)(r)
Kelly: You're (k)(l)(r) ing me with this! Why man? Was breaking my heart fun for you? Laughing behind my back calling me every rotten degrading thing you could with our supossed friends fun for you? Want some Clarity now?

Jon: IDC (k)(l)(r)
Kelly: FYI Look up. . . It's 'Emotion' 'Icons,' 'Which,'(no is) 'of,' and 'for,' darling! That knock to my left has taken a lot of work to correct though. A lot of personal work! Couldn't you have at least been conciderate enough to, . . .Oh Wait. . .

You DID! Did you do this to help me because speaking was embarrising for me to do with the stammer? I see the dates of the posts! Man, I'm so sorry we hurt eachother. It was not in any fairness to the people we both love. So can we at least agree on that. Do us both a favor and knock it off! I'm not a whore or a pimp or any of that. I'm just a person you enjoy hurting because you think it's funny or cute when I get pissed off. Look, I've been scared, angry I may not be able to raise my children and another event was going to happen again. It took a lot out of me. I want people to know how greatful I am for everthing they did do when I was trying just to speak & move well again and hating & hurting people because they have a hadicap is just wrong!!! I lived it!!! Joking is one thing and bullying is another! If you don't agree with that...How can you clame that you actualy love me? You can't even say hello in public. How crule and unusual is that? (k)(l)(r) right back at you! Have a good life! I wish you all well always!

by CaringRationalAlertZanyYarr October 1, 2012

Incomprehensibilitiy (ˌinˌkämprəˌhensəˈbilədē/ˌɪnˌkɑmprəˌhɛnsəˈbɪlədi) & Incomprehensible (ˌinˌkämprəˈhensəb(ə)l/ˌɪnˌkɑmprəˈhɛnsəb(ə)l)

Definition of incomprehensibility in English:


See incomprehensible

Definition of incomprehensible in English:


Not able to be understood; not intelligible.

Late Middle English (earlier than comprehensible): from Latin incomprehensibilis, from in- ‘not’ + comprehensibilis

/ˌinˌkämprəˈhensəb(ə)l/ /ˌɪnˌkɑmprəˈhɛnsəb(ə)l/

/ˌinˌkämprəˌhensəˈbilədē/ /ˌɪnˌkɑmprəˌhɛnsəˈbɪlədi/

Incomprehensibilitiy (ˌinˌkämprəˌhensəˈbilədē/ˌɪnˌkɑmprəˌhɛnsəˈbɪlədi)

‘It can't: it is crammed with lovers packed in tight, the details smashed flat, extraneous facts shorn away to save space, mangled and compressed to the point of incomprehensibility and all beyond counting or collating.’
‘This article gives some idea of the incomprehensibility of such an event in Japan, where the discovery of a live bullet in someone's luggage at the airport is national news.’
‘Marriage is the theme, in all its incomprehensibility, its difficulty and its infinite gentle understandings.’
‘The result turned out to be so hard to understand that the novel acquired an aura of profundity by virtue of its sheer incomprehensibility.’

Incomprehensible (ˌinˌkämprəˈhensəb(ə)l/ˌɪnˌkɑmprəˈhɛnsəb(ə)l)

‘This story from the St Albans Observer is completely incomprehensible.’
‘Confusing films may be in vogue, but confusing does NOT equal incomprehensible.’
‘Spoken entirely in Latin and Aramaic, it is contrived, opaque and incomprehensible.’
‘What seems perfectly reasonable for one person is completely incomprehensible for another.’

Incomprehensibilitiy (ˌinˌkämprəˌhensəˈbilədē/ˌɪnˌkɑmprəˌhɛnsəˈbɪlədi) & Incomprehensible (ˌinˌkämprəˈhensəb(ə)l/ˌɪnˌkɑmprəˈhɛnsəb(ə)l)

by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022


The song lyrics all idiotic women sing


by SpeedEclipse December 15, 2023


9983983772992000171736278638723;;;;;;kl'$%(*#$&(*#L#: is another term for "browse shtwt"

i'm gonna go 9983983772992000171736278638723;;;;;;kl'$%(*#$&(*#L#:

by Yeshi salad November 2, 2022

l joke

Any joke that swif007 makes in chat

Wow that was an L joke swif, please spare us from more of those!

by ZebraOwner December 19, 2022

Rusty f@t greasy and a $l@g 😂

Freak girl she is the fattest snake who tells on you when she’s jealous she doesn’t care about anyone but herself she also likes to threaten you if she don’t do things how she wants you to do them she is a bf obsesser she will call and text ur bf if she likes then

This girl is Rusty f@t greasy and a $l@g 😂

by Bob the cool guy 🫶 June 22, 2022