When someone is online but not responding. You said that term with a mention/ping them to get them to talk with you. There are other variants like, YAY X GOT SHOT and more.
Hiraku: Kaori wanted to kiss
Kaori: *doesn't responsed*
Hiraku: ok. YAY @Kaori DIED
Hiraku: oh it's my new thing called "YAY X DIED" anyways wanna kiss
Kaori: ok
Hiraku: *kissed Kaori*
Kaori: *kissed back*
a short ver. of (X), opposite of (O)
means a false statement, usually used while joking
It's useless, but it's fine as long as it looks pretty (X
1. Used as a replacement for the prefix “ex” or “ecks” in writing
2. Used to show ones absence
3. Replacement for “example”
X (as a colombine)
1. Xiting (Exiting), Xelseoure (Eckselseoure)
2. He was Xed off the list
3. x. Flowers
what you always put into a graphing calculator when you're bored. gives kinda underwhelming results.
i dont know what these "sin" "cos" and "tan" buttons do but they seem like cool math stuff so lemme put sin(cos(tan(x))) into my calculator
did you know that e^-x^2 cant be integrated
He is close to friends hierarchy and rezakiri, and his best duo list includes hierarchy, rezakiri (kyk), Arcadius, aco , gaze, normal, broken, etc.
Gssi X
Top best (critical ops player) and he is one of the Gssi series' leaders. The members of the series are (Gssi) Y, Z, V, etc.
also His sense of play is fantastic
Gssi X