(Verb) Exploit loopholes in order to overcome a challenge or difficulty
Ben and Adam wanted to Sam their way through Auckland
An irritatingly whipped yute that will not fuck off however many times you tell them to. An absolute simp, get away while you still can. They don't get the message when you tell them you don't like them and keep on trying for 4 hours while you're on facetime to your friends trying to decide what to reply without being too mean.
OMG he's such a Sam, ew, run away, leave while you still can.
a legendary cunt who is rlly rlly good at rugby and it not fat at all
Guys that have a friend called louis. They walk around with the cocs secretly rolled up in the pants because they are to big.
Loui- hey Sam
Loui- you have a coc size of a mammoth don’t you?
Sam-is that even a question
Loui- let’s go to my car.
Sam is the type of guy who thinks he’s extremely unattractive but is in fact the exact opposite. He is extremely attractive without knowing. Also has a nice booty.
Sam has a big booty