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South Side Swoop

South side of Lawtons hoodrats term meaning obtaining things needed wanted or desired illegally, legally, or in trade mostly for cash or drugs.
Another word for a "lick"

What are you doing? Me and Aaron are fixing to go south side swoop to get us some gambling and que tah money.

by Shayfromtheshady580 October 23, 2020


The overwhelming protrusion of the flanks of flab on a generally fat woman. It's like enormous Love Handles that help when mounting a Ba-Donka-Donk. They can easily be noticed when a large woman is wearing clothing that might be a bit too small.

Holy cow, check out the Side-Donka-Donk spilling out of that chicks shirt when she sits.....

by G-Skeezay November 4, 2011

side daughter

Side daughter a daughter that's not born to a mother that a mother loves unconditionally.

You ate my side daughter.

by Alley mcnelly March 6, 2020