A school filled with rich french kids that’ll ruin your life day by day. One day there, and you can be apart of your own scandal. Drama can be found in every corner and if you look closely you can find a snobby-skinny -Jean -wearing rich boy who’s probably wearing a Kenzo sweatshirt. A school where you can wear your own clothes, but wear the wrong thing and you might be bullied; but that’s a part of the experience. LFCDG is great fun, you can make new friends or you can think your making new friends but in reality they’re two faced and their only your “friend” to talk shit about you. At the lycee you can find students smoking just outside of the school, now don’t be intimidated, they’re just re charging they won’t hurt you if you don’t look them in the eyes. Despite the passive aggressive shit I wrote, I owe a lot to that school, it gave me an attitude and it showed me how to be a boss at bitch stares. It also made me stronger; despite being in the worse mental state I have ever been when I was there, it gave me thicker skin. Now I don’t give a shit about what anyone says because the students at LFCDG has already said it all.
GIRL: “urg what’s that smell”
BOY: “ oh it’s the students from that french school, lycée français Charles de Gaulle, they smoke a lot”
*student walks by screaming on the phone *
STUDENT: “papa !! Nan mais j’ai que besoin comme 500£!!!” (annoying high pitch nasally voice)
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I ate a fuckin taco fript cu pula de cezar!
a cringey quote that is used by 12 year olds who claim to be in the Ugandan knuckles tribe. these 12 year olds are often named rocy
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1. Interjection often used to represent a great feeling of joy or pride.
2. Interjection often used to represent surprise (emphasized differently from above with a slight chortle on the first Bom and the last Bom)
3. If used properly, it can be used as just about any word in a sentence and could have a myriad of meanings.
4. Has no relation to the term "Da Bom"
Craig drops a tap of Cesium into a flask of water and it explodes into a million shards, Jonzen's probable response would be, "Bom de le Bom-Bom!" with a smile provided no one was 'seriously' injured.
If Jonzen is treated to a pleasant surprise which fills him with happiness, he would most likely interject, "Bom de le Bom-Bom.)
"Bom de le Bom-Bom was Bom and le Bom'd de le Bom-Boming de le." (Translating to either 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', or 'Lord Liu Bei, you must retreat!')
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Eat my cock you fucking faggot
Hey you.
Yeah you, Bouffe ma queue calisse de fag
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i need you on top of my body;
often said before hot steamy sex
jake- "te necessito arriba de mi cuerpo!!"
summer- "ay, chico!!!!"
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A sophisticated and eclectic piece of blasphemy most popular in Rome. Grave insult directly to the Baby Jesus. Usually used in scenarios of extreme rage and/or pain.
Person A: They stole your motorcycle!!
Motorcycle Owner: Mannaggia al core de Gesu Cristo!
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