A faggot is a person who makes scorpy angry 😡 or sad 😢
All art commentary channel are FAGGOTS
A member of the Australian Christian Lobby.
“Mate, those Australian Christian Lobby cunts are real fuckin’ faggots.”
A derogatory term used for queers and gays. This term is meant to be mean but usually the gays use it to themselves. Kind of like the N Word.
Reed: Yo I have never said the word faggot before
Your dad: yes you have
Reed: yeah
Your mom: you pull no bitches
Reed: I’m biphobic
Person #1: what?
Reed: I’ll use it later
An extremely annoying person who thinks they're cool. Faggots usually roam in packs as they want to be noticed. They can typically be seen driving a Harley or making loud noises.
"Hey Dan, did you see those faggots zoom past us?"
"Nope, but I sure as hell heard them."
the word faggot is a derogatory slur used against members of the lgbtq+ community, it’s started off as an offensive slang word to use against a gay man/boy but has since branched out to be used against other parts of the community. before you come at me, i can reclaim this slur.
person 1: hey dude, he’s a fucking faggot.
person 2: you really shouldn’t use that word. it has a long history of homophobia.