The timber reeks of hell
Swallowed in the covers swell
Rotting face of death
Sodemised and left to god
Occupies abadons lot
The darkest hallows eve
Instincts he can't deceive
Jefferies walking south
Jefferies on a leave
The killing tree represents a dump sight
The timbers reak of hell
Swallowed in the covers swell
Rotting face of death
Sodemized and left to god
The darkest hallows eve
Instincts he can't deceive
Jeffries walking south
Ijeffries on a leave
The Killing tree symbolizes a dump sight
Kill Road Is another name for Mill Road which is a street located on milwaukee far north side. Mill road is infested with hoes, Speeding cars, drugs, Gds, and all other types of hood shit you can imagine. The highends of mill road is the worst area (76th-107th) there is alot of cheap apartments and projects around the area of 84th and mill road. When you go a little bit up the road to the 100s there is a hood known as the hunnits and is infested with a gang known as the wild 100s. This is definetly the worst part of killroad. There is shootings, robberies, burglaries you name it. Overall mill road is a scary place to live no matter if you are involved with gangs or any other types of dangerous activies. Everybody is a victim at some point.
Man 1: "aye man where you at?"
Man 2: "you already know where im at dawg. Kill Road."
No go fuck yourself atheist if you don't give me the credit I'm murdering those fucking kids. That would be convenient for you if steal my fucking shit, make enough money off MY BACK that I could leave the workforce immediately. Fuck you. OUT OF THE WORKFORCE NOW OR DEATH!
Hym "Don't 'well If you're gonna kill people' me you piece of shit. I'm ot letting you take it and not murdering your kids Matt. You don't get to take it from me. I could be FREE TODAY AND IF I DON'T GET TO BE FREE AT LEAST ONE OF YOUR KIDS DOESN'T GET TO LIVE. If you were concerned with me killing people you wouldn't be doing what you're doing. I want out of the workforce. I've made enough money to do it. I don't want unity with you fucks. I WANT TO BE OUT OF THE WORKFORCE. And if have contributed enough to make that happen EVEN IF OTHER PEOPLE HAVE NOT. I fucking hate you pieces of shit. There is no communing with you. Give it up. You don't get a second chance. Do I have to kill people because I'm just not taking no for on this one. I don't care how FUCKING DESPERATELY you want to teach 'misogynistic men' a lesson about taking no for an answer. THEY ARE STILL GETTING RAPED. It isn't working. ME OUT OF THE WORKFORCE IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS. Get that through your fucking head."
Putting your mouth on the orange juice container intended for the whole household and drinking until there is barely any left then putting it back.
I woke up hungover as shit and walked straight to the fridge for a drink. Not seeing my whole family behind me killing the orange juice.
Food is really good!!
Guy #1: how’s your food? Looks good
Guy #2: this is some kill!!
Guy #1: I’m going to order that now