Blizzard authenticators worn round a gamers neck.
This item would be carried around with a laptop and so he/she could show off the amount of accounts he/she owns and the 'gear' that he owns
Guy1: Dude! Thats some awsome nerd bling!
Guy2: oh why thank you, ill show you my Tauren Arcane Rogue if you want! You will be amazed by my uber skills!
A person overly obsessed with creating and evaluating championship brackets for sports tournaments.
I'm so tired of hearing all of those bracket nerds talk about who they picked for the NCAA.
Code Name for literal shit with corn bits in it.
Chris: "Yoo you want some chocolate pudding lemon nerds?"
Colin: "I dont eat shit. Shut the fuck up."
Nothing to really explain, Pokémon nerds are just so cool and you're a big and obese W if you have friends like these
If you ever think of playing a Pokémon game, seek help from the Pokémon nerds 🙏🙏🙏
A person that knows way too much about pokemon.
Person 1: Bro I can name all the pokemon from generation 1!
Person 2: You're such a pokemon nerd, my guy.
A person who may have hundreds of pictures of themselves on Facebook or a similar service. However, none of these pictures truly show what the person really looks like thanks to the use of camera angles, bad self-pics and other cheap visual tricks. This underhanded ploy is a favorite of the 'salad-shy' and those afflicted with 'a lovely personality.' Invented by Stephen Gude, Professor Emeritus at UCSC, USA.
"There are 150 pictures of this girl on her Myspace... NONE of which show that she is not fat or ugly. Think of the incredible effort this must have taken. How is that possible? What a horrible nerd-o-welly."
"Gina weighs 300 pounds in real life... Why does her facebook make her look like Jessica Biel. What is goddamn nerd-o-welly!"
another word for a power strip, often full of wires from technology.
nerd1:d00d, I need somewhere to plug in my new xbox, my nerd strip is full
nerd2:just daisy chain two together d00d!
nerd1: sweet, ftw!