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Super Straight

A sexuality that is NOT valid in any way. And is a mockery of the LGBTQ+ community.

I'm transphobic,whoops I meant to say Super Straight.

by Zoop March 8, 2021

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Super Straight

Someone who isnt sexually attracted to trans men or women. This is mostly because trans people tend to still have the incorrect genitals

Jim: Hey can i hook you up with my trans friend beth?
Tom: Nah im super straight, i dont like men with dicks who wear dresses.
Jim: How transphobic of you

by the real i am dontai March 10, 2021

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Super Straight

Super straight's are dumb transphobics who think it can be justified by getting more transphobics to join them.

"Dude we should make shirts that say super straight on them"

"Dude we should"

"Wearing that is gonna make you look gay lmao"

by Rainbow beans March 22, 2021

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Super straight

You only date a person based on their biological genetics of being a woman

Lgbtqr2d2: So your super straight

Boy: fuck outa here and go to the MEGA GAY ZONE I only date women with the right chromosomes

by Roadman Jung March 5, 2021

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Super straight

Super straight: super straight is when you like someone that is born the gender they currently are

Man 1: Hey do you like this man?

Woman 1: Yeah he looks cute is there a catch?
Man 1: No heโ€™s just trans.
Woman 1: I admit he looks cute but I am Super Straight so I wouldnโ€™t date him personally.
Man 1: Isnโ€™t that transphobic?
Woman 1: No because I am super straight and I personally wouldnโ€™t date him because I like men that are born men.

by King0kell0 March 6, 2021

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Super straight

Fake sexuality created to justify being transphobic towards Transgenders

Person: hey Iโ€™m super straight
Person: no youโ€™re transphobic

by Truthteller0207 March 8, 2021

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Super straight

A sexuality that people always say is transphobic but is not because they are being hypocrites because they say that we cannot make and genders or sexualities yet the LGBT community makes thousands more each and every day

Jane: hi Iโ€™m super straight

Jamie: donโ€™t you mean super transphobic

Jane: no because phobic is balls in the word phobia which means fear and Iโ€™m not scared of trans-people I will just not want to date them and yes it is a preference but you say itโ€™s ok to have a preference but it is being transphobic yet itโ€™s not

Jamie: no youโ€™re just being transphobic

Jane: ignorant

by Cwanja March 20, 2021

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