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Talk Evan to Me

Using "Bro" Speak in normal everyday sentences - including phrases such as "Fo Sho," "O Nice," "Legit," "Wicked Cool," among others.

I love it when you Talk Evan To Me

by gigiA2 November 23, 2010

Ted Talk gang

a very charming and funny and attractive ;) group of fuvking idiots made of teenage twitch streamers

Oh Ted Talk gang is live again

by Sav :) November 25, 2021


When someone (against your will) locks you in your own personal internal prison whilst they carry on a (mostly one-sided) conversation you cannot exit from.

Every Friday, without fail, Creepy Steve sits at my bar and puts me in talk-prison.

by KorFow January 13, 2022

tour talk

When half ass musicians, gossip backstage about what they wanna do next and how they can help you out etc.

I hung out with Jay rock backstage He gave me a whole bunch of bullshit about this and that how’s he’s going to hook us up with a label and booking agent just a bunch Tour Talk

by Krazy Tom February 1, 2025

Talk Blocking

When you set the mood with your significant other, and you're about to have sex, but they talk with you so long it kills the mood and your erection.

John dims the lights in his bedroom and sits close to Katherine.
John: Hey baby, you ready?
Katherine: I can't believe Mark cheated on Jessica....... Wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa
John: °keeps a concerned face and pretends to listen to conversation. Overtime his penis turns into an inny
*The Next day
Bill: So how was your special day with Katherine
John: She was Talk Blocking me all night...

by Guessimist August 6, 2015

foreign talk

Speaking a different language.

I don't want no part of that foreign talk.

by Septdee June 23, 2018

talking hairdo

A male media personality, often with a severely constrained intellect, that manages to have a successful career based almost entirely on a thick, full, lush head of hair.

David Muir is a talking hairdo.

by PBSPinchback January 9, 2025