The alternative to a cold potato
The alternative to the cold 🥔.
Hot potato, hot potato (hot potato, hot potato)
Hot potato, hot potato (hot potato, hot potato)
Hot potato, hot potato (potato), potato (potato)
Potato, potato, potato
The big chunk of ash that falls off the blunt when it’s your turn because everyone else before you was too lazy to ash it.
“I’ve hot potatoed on Brad’s bed so many times.”
“I hot potato every time Chad is to my left.”
Jealousy of sorts from the potato famine in which some people had potatoes and others had less. Some less fortunate were transported to Australia.
Get rid of that Paddy Potato Syndrome , it's eating ye up inside. And stop drinking around our children ye'll turn them into drunkards.
A cute little persno ...known as austin colman
Austin is my cute little potato
When you high as fuck on a couch and are about to bust a nut.
Shut door bro, loaded baked potato inside. Keep out my guy
It's like comparing two things, and acting like they are the same even though they are not.
Alteration of "Potato, Potato (pronounced differently)"
Bro: Are you skibidi rizz or catholic?
Bro 2: Potato Petiti
A potato that is also a fish. Commonly worshipped by middle schoolers, the fish potato is believed to be the soul essence of everything around us. It can be used in any sentence and still kinda make sense.
No one knows where or how it started, but we do know it's everywhere now. You can't escape the fish potato.
Middle Schooler: Darn. I haven't been feeling very fish potato lately.
Other Middle Schooler: Oh my fish potato! That's awful!