Having hands , being able to fight .
I told my cousin Eriel she don’t wanna fight me cause I got them hoes
Got is a term when talking to the boys that you say when you see a thick bitch (preferably alien) buy it can also mean she’s hot or that she gives good blow
Damn that girls got
Damn she’s got
Got a trucker: a half hard dick because truckers drive semi trucks!
Oh snap look a Bobby he got a trucker already!
When someone likes you but they quickly stop liking you causing you to be in confusion
Person: *likes you*
You: Hey, i think I might like u back..."
Person: nvm *does not like you*
You: I just got leila'd...
Person: You just got leila'dddd
famous quote by lee felix, rapper and dancer in kpop group stray kids.
felix: "i gOT tHiS eGg-"
chan: "oOH wHeRe diD yOu gEt yOuR eGg fRom-"
felix: "i dUnnO, iT cAmE ouTTA nOwHeRe-"
chan: "oOh *dRoPs eGg*"
felix: "yOu cRaCkEd iT- yALL hE cRaCkeD tHe eGG"
when you prank someone and then you say grill got flamed
or when you roast someone and then you can say grill got flamed
the defanition of Grill got flamed
(someone looking up) (the person says huh) (the person beside the person) what are you looking at (and then looks up) (the person beside the person) haha got em
my mom is literally the worst mother ever, even when logic makes since
ever since that day, my mom got me pregnant