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spelling a word wrong in the Urban Dictionary

O no i spelt a wrd ron in da rbn dicsnry! wot sd i do?

it can be quite embarrasing to do that, but hey, we all do spelling a word wrong in the Urban Dictionary, or should it be Urban Dicktionary?

by SirenHeadPlayz12345 December 25, 2020

literally every word in the urban dictionary

Sex . the end . what do you except from an "URBAN" dictionary !

*innocently search for slang terms* *founds that literally every word in the urban dictionary has a relation with sex*

by Rekt42069 January 6, 2017

Anti-Urban dictionary enthusiast

Someone who is not interested in posting their definition of a word or phrase based on pop culture. Someone who doesn't want to post a layman's term of an already defined word.

Sue rolled her eyes at the word "spankle" being redefine a condition when a man is too pretty. He spankles.

Later sue rolls her eyes yet again thinking to herself this makes me a an... Anti-urban dictionary enthusiast.

by Persona 29 May 27, 2012

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All the definitions on Urban Dictionary

Definitions that are DEFINITELY not a joke.

All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!

by The only pug July 16, 2021

3👍 2👎

why does urban dictionary exist

Urban Dictionary exists because god is dead.
If you are asking, god was killed by this website.

Is god dead?
Yes sir, Urban Dictionary exists.
Why does urban dictionary exist?
God is dead, that is why.

by The pseudonym I own October 29, 2019

8👍 4👎

Urban Dictionary word of tha day

this word is when Urban Dictionary chooses tha best word produced from thee public and makes it word of tha day.

in thee office,

guy one: hey bill this word shud be Urban Dictionary word of tha day

guy 2: yes john make it word of thee day then.

guy 1: ok bill i will do that.

by mezalong December 21, 2008

13👍 8👎

Creative Writing via Urban Dictionary

When regularly contributing to Urban Dictionary could be an effective training ground to launching your creative writing career, because you are getting professional feedback for anything you think is funny or that would make lots of folks happy or angry—and the service is free and instant.

Unless you’re related to the editors or you’ve bribed them, it’s unlikely that you can get an entry approved if you’re a dull writer with a poor sense of humor or a puritan mindset. Why not hone your creative writing via Urban Dictionary? Why pay someone dearly to critique your writing when you’ve a team of first-rate volunteers-editors who would do it for you for free?

by MathPlus January 28, 2019

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