Source Code


Pronounced: \ˈpe-dΙ™-boΜ‡l\
Function: Noun
Inflected Form(s): Pedo-Balling

The Pedo-Ball, also known as Pedoball and in Europe the Peterball is the bait used by a pedophile to lure children over to him or her.

The ball is tossed into a crowd of children in the hope that one of them will bring the ball back over to the pedophile, who will then strike up a conversation or perhaps kidnap the child with the intent to molest.

This term was first used and discussed on the NAMBLA forums where users debated over the best way to meet boyfriends.

Over time the definition has changed and a pedo-ball can in actuality be any bait which is used to lure children to yourself with the intent to molest.

"That ball filled with candy is straight up Pedo-ball bait"

"Bob is going Pedo-Ballin' tonight, he's got the ice cream truck ready"

by AshxXx March 30, 2009

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shit balls

something you say when you make an oopsy daisy

oh shit balls my poptart dropped.

by JKS208 November 21, 2009

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salty balls

to pour salt on a guy's balls, then use your tongue to lick the salt off

Audra makes sure to carry salt packages in her purse, so that she is always ready to give Pete salty balls.

by urblegs February 7, 2009

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tough as balls

related to the expression tough as nails, tough as balls means the exact opposite, as in not tough at all because balls are tender.

a: i look tough as nails with this guy-liner on!
b: more like tough as balls, you socialist puppy raper

by TheFunInFuneral September 16, 2009

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Moon Ball

A type of volleyball serve (usually underarm) that goes extremely high and lands between the attack and net lines.

dude, that was a sick moonball!

the only way these guys are scoring points is from their moon balls

by annonymousAUS November 10, 2008

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Ball Juggling

To juggle balls is like to kiss ass, brown nose, or suck up but is more intense and elaborate because of the many styles and techniques.

Ball juggling is common from students to teachers or empoyees to employers. This term nearly always applies to males, and commonly English teachers.

Ball juggling is more dangerous than ass kissing because once you start the target must be satisfied or they will be left with blue balls which will infuriate them.

Examples include:
The 'over-friendly juggle' makes the teacher feel warm and welcome. A greeting such as "hey bro" or a remark such as "good job man". This style makes the teacher more susceptible to other forms of ball juggling.

The 'side kick juggle' is where one assists the teacher.

The 'expression juggle' where while the teacher speaks the juggler gazes into their eyes and nods their head, reacting with different facial expressions to the story and gestures.

The 'thief juggle' where one snatches the ball in mid-air and juggles it themselves.

The "sparknotes juggle" is where one uses another source of information to impress the teacher.

The 'complementary juggle' is a subtle technique, a firm "good job sir", or "what insight" is the basis of this form.

More examples of ball juggling techniques are:

The 'positive comments juggle', a quick "nice tie today sir", followed by "I can't wait for class to start" is a fool-proof way to achieve ejaculation during jugglage later on.

The 'enthusiasm juggle' when one says something mundane, boring, and work-related with so much passion the teacher ejaculates forcefully.

The 'solo juggle', where one person hogs the balls and refuses to share.

The 'passing juggle', where one person continues the juggle of another person.

The 'hot potato' is where one only holds the ball for a short time, just saying a word or two at a time, quickly passing.

The 'backstage juggle' is out of the classroom or formal area.

The 'intimate juggle' is not necessarily sexual, but is one-on-one in private. This is one of the most intense and effective forms of juggling.

The 'public display of juggling' is where one juggles infront of an audience.

The 'thesaurus juggle' is where on uses overly complicated words to add extra potency to the juggling.

The 'apologetic juggle' is where one juggles the balls with sincerity and kindness, a comment such as "Oh my god, I'm so sorry sir", is typical of this techique.

The 'tribute juggle' where one gifts coffee, or another form of tribute as a sign of worship.

by My penis is named Gilbert October 28, 2009

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Ball Jester

A male or female engaged solely to attend and entertain men at a party by performing oral sex.

Are you going to Ryan’s party this year? Last year he had a toothless ball jester and I got a hot gummy. I think she was some meth whore off the street but it sure felt good.

by Eaton Holgoode January 8, 2018

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