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You Won't Last Five Minutes Playing This Game

A typical pornhub ad that usually advertises a sex game. If you're horny enough to click on it, be prepared to insert your address, social security number, and credit card information. If you're a fan of watching a caveman fuck a dinosaur or watching Shrek porn, it is highly recommended that you jerk off to that ad.

Pornhub Ad: You Won't Last five Minutes Playing This Game ...

by the bravest FUckfaCE February 9, 2020

61πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

This is so sad, Ok Google, play Africa by Toto

The ONLY response to having a bad day, no matter how minuscule that tragedy is, any one of the right minds must always listen to Africa by Toto during a tragedy.

"Dude, I found my wife, sleeping with another man"
"This is so sad, Ok Google, play Africa by Toto"
Google: "Ok, playing Africa by Toto on Spotify"
Africa by Toto: "....I hear the drums echoing tonight...."

by theShuaBruh July 9, 2018

It's not even Thanksgiving yet, quit playing Christmas music.


I went to wal mart. Wal mart is playing christmas music. It is November 10th. It's not even Thanksgiving yet, quit playing Christmas music.

by OmegaRook November 11, 2011

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

thank you so much for to playing my game

the line mario says at the end of super Mario 64

player: alright! i just beat super mario 64!

mario from the end screen: thank you so much for to playing my game

player: what

by mariofeds December 29, 2022

19πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

tap it more than twice, your playing with yourself

IF you hit your penis more than twice after urianting to get rid of dribble, your touching yourself for pleasure opposed to clearing yourself off.

You say "if you tap it more than twice your playing with yourself" to speed up the line for the urianals.

by Bret "Ballsaw" January 28, 2005

119πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Play Roblox With Your Boobs Out Night

on the 16th of October, any girl is obliged to remove her top to reveal her breasts and play the popular videogame Roblox with his/her partner.

Person 1: Get your boobs out, its the 16th of October, Its play Roblox with your boobs out night
Person 2: *gets boobs out*
Person 1: Load up ROBLOX as well

by WANKERKID69 October 15, 2022

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

This is very Depressing Alexa play Dame tu Cosita

A depressing version of This is so sad Alexa play Despacito when it goes more sadder than before and this goes viraly dramatic over sad contents.

P.1: My brother died but what’s worse my cat died he got runned over by a car...

P.2: This is very depressing Alexa play Dame Tu Cosita.

by R.O.B. The savage robot July 14, 2018