A long short term memory is a recurrent neural network with long term memory.
Programmer 3: Have you upgraded to a long short term memory?
Programmer 2: Yes, I have.
Programmer 1: So, are you done on creating a neural network to generate text?
Programmer 2: Yes, I am.
Programmer 1: Good. I wanted to make a convolutional neural network.
Programmer 2: Let's do it!
Programmer 3: Yeah! I agree!
Mostly used to in reference to the style &/or fit of the crotch area of womens jean pants. If looking at a pair of pants from their front side it's visabky noticeable that the lowest part of the seam between the legs hangs farrrr below the waist line.
Him-- What do you think of these jeans?
Me-- lmfao fuck no; I would never wear those long bottom crotch motherfuckers.
noun; I love long bells. long bells is slang for the most beautiful girl in the world. she is so kind and bright and I hope she finds what she really needs in life i love you bells
noun; big balls
my long bells are itchy...
when someone completely wears out any enjoyment of life you once had.
English teacher: okay, here's two essays I want you to write for next lesson
Student A: you long my life out
Person 1: Hey where’d you get that long bacon?
Person 2: The long bacon store