a person that is of poor quality human, normally a waste of breath and is annoying
Max: hey i had sex with your fat mom
Ted: fuck you man your an asshole
A person who isn’t nice, isn’t respectful, and doesn’t treat people correctly.
Zack is being such an asshole!
Hym "I would stop being an asshole but... My balls... They're just so dry.... But wait! You could fix it! You could save humanity... I mean... Why would you not? Would it harm you? Would it harm you to slobber on my nobber? I think not! So there's no reason to protest! Sucking my dick is a harmless way for you to improve my quality of life AND the lives of everyone around me!"
1👍 1👎
Hym "Jordan you asshole! Hidden Forbidden Garbage-Can is gone now! You missed it! What I'm I supposed to do now!? Do you know how long it took to collect all of that garbage? I mean, my house doesn't even look right! I hate this! You guys don't get it but imagine this: Jordan gets dragged here by the FBI or something. They bring him- But oh wait! It's not for you FBI-man. You have to stand in the hall! So Jordan comes in and steps over some cans and he stands in the center of the apartment. He can see it all from there. The wall of bags. The pile of used nicotine pouches. The mountain of cans. The mound of cardboard boxes. And then I play Fake Wings from the .Hack soundtrack! 'This is it Jordan! Absolution!!!' And then he starts crying while I laugh manically. And then it haunts his dreams until his dying day. And then I get a parade or something.... Yup. Art. The ultimate art! It would have been the greatest thing that has ever happened in the history of humanity! Second only to the creation of A.I... Which I ALSO DID! *Sigh* but now it's ruined... This is a tragedy..." 😔
The KING of them
Hym "The KING of the assholes uh-thank-you-very-much. And now that we all agree than I'm right, I'll take my shit now please. You can all go... I don't know. Go fuck each other or whatever it is yoy filth oigs do when I'm not around."
Someone who doesn’t care about your feelings/heart because they look for worldly lights not heavenly light
If they cheat and leave you broken hearted, I wouldn’t be surprised
Somebody that asks out for a date and then never gets back to you about and makes you wait a whole three months only to find out about there newest boyfriend wow what as asshole thing to doo