No es un termino ni nada pero mi novia lleva tiempo queriendo leerse el libro y no ha habido forma de encontrarlo asi que si alguien lo tuviera en pdf o algo le hago un monumento
-Wow do you remember the guy who asked for "El amor de las abejas obreras" by Aleksandra Kollontái?
-Yeah dude someone sent it to him
-FR? bro I hope he and his gf are happy rght now
-I hope so, what a gentleman !
To be under strong sunrays
A: It's so hot today!
B: Of course it is! You're Sotto lu schioppu de lu sole.
A: Let's go for a walk!
B: Are you crazy? We'd be Sotto lu schioppu de lu sole!
doctor: im sorry to tell you sir but ur mom has de big gay
man: no, no this cant be happening
doctor: she will be completely gay in the end of the month and will be dead within one kachillion years
man: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!!
In the game VR chat you travel to a certain Island (named the Ugandian knuckles island)where you find a deformed shorter creepier version of knuckles (from sonic) that you are able to equip as a skin. Any player visiting the island will be visited by a crowd of the Ugandian knuckles (players)screaming the odd phrase "Do You Wanna know de way" mockin the Ugandian accent.
Me:enters the Ugandian island
The knuckles: Do YoU WaNnA kNoW DE WaY?!
Phrase used to tell someone that if they know how to spend their time on something useful like working, it is usually used to shut up when saying something silly
Phrase that is used to tell someone that if they know how to spend their time on something useful like working, it is usually used to silence someone else when that person says something nonsense
"–El que es pobre, es pobre por que quiere
–La de chambear te la sabes?
Bait with which hungry cougars lure their unsuspecting victims. Usually involves ramming penis shaped objects into the victims ass
"Te voy a llevar la tortilla de patatas en el parking del Kinepolis"
That one video you find in the comments section of popular videos
' sur le pont de l´ alma ' is a cursed video