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Got a bit going on

When shit in your life goes the wrong way

Yeah bull Dave's had 5 guys leave in the last week he's got a bit going on

by Big Bad Belly August 4, 2022

got adrien'd

when you get friend-zoned by your crush

"Did you hear? Stacy got adrien'd by Jaxon."

by whydoiexistinthiscruelworld August 18, 2022

u got the lean perc?


A: my family just died in a brutal crash and i got diagnosed with cancer yesterday..

by bxbxhxll April 10, 2023

She’s Got

Got is a term when talking to the boys that you say when you see a thick bitch (preferably alien) buy it can also mean she’s hot or that she gives good blow

Damn that girls got

Damn she’s got

by Loofahkilla February 23, 2021

got a trucker

Got a trucker: a half hard dick because truckers drive semi trucks!

Oh snap look a Bobby he got a trucker already!

by Sretlawnats March 23, 2023

You just got leila'dddd

When someone likes you but they quickly stop liking you causing you to be in confusion

Person: *likes you*
You: Hey, i think I might like u back..."
Person: nvm *does not like you*
You: I just got leila'd...
Person: You just got leila'dddd

by candycotten223 October 28, 2020

i got this egg

famous quote by lee felix, rapper and dancer in kpop group stray kids.

felix: "i gOT tHiS eGg-"

chan: "oOH wHeRe diD yOu gEt yOuR eGg fRom-"

felix: "i dUnnO, iT cAmE ouTTA nOwHeRe-"

chan: "oOh *dRoPs eGg*"

felix: "yOu cRaCkEd iT- yALL hE cRaCkeD tHe eGG"

by 🍡 June 22, 2021