A discount applied for local residents on a certain product.
Andrew: Hey Samuel, do local residents of Kangroo Island get a cheaper fair on the Sea Link Ferry?
Samuel: Yes Andrew. They get mad diskountz.
Old colloquial southern saying "Mad today, glad tomorow", means just what it says for instance if a neighbor, friend, family member with whom you are on decently close terms may come to misunderstanding over a slight or mishap perceived by one or the other and suffer hurt or injurious feelings to their pride, ego, etc. He/she would or will soon get over that and move on to resume their relationship (with hopefully, a better understanding of each other) again...therefore, mad today, glad tomorow! Not mad at nobody! Just sayin', sometimes a thing, matter/issue has to be put in check by making someone think about their actions that may have brought on the discord. Be Happy, Worry!
Miss Evie expressed her regret emotionally and out loud to the group of ladies who had forgotten to bring the cold salads for the spring tea buffet to which her sister Margaret who headed the sunshine committee, replied...mad today, glad tomorrow!
Jennifer when david called her sarah
Jennifer: Did you know david called me sarah!!!
Ben: She Big Mad
Jennifer: but he’s so hot.
What Karens feel when retail workers are literally doing their job. Specifically, what customers at Five Below feel when they are at "self checkout" (which is associate checkout, there's a huge sign that says so, BY THE WAY) and employees have to go and scan their stuff for them because it's literally store policy and we're doing our JOB. No, we're not racially profiling you.
Karen was big mad when I had to scan her stuff at the Five Below associate checkout and she insisted that she's not an idiot, she can scan her own stuff. But when I agreed to let her scan it on her own and I just watch her, she then became big mad because I was being "lazy" and went on this whole rant about how my gEnErAtIoN iS sOoOoO lAzY!!!!!!!!!!