Source Code


Shorter version of Saying Demon time usually associated with A menacing action or being careless popularized in New York also associated with BT or bad timing

Me: Yo Shawty just said she’s sliding
Hb: Wrd?
Me: Yeah I’m bout to get on DT

by alejo_nocap on IG August 31, 2022


The Dolan Twins!! The most perfect human beings ever 💘😍 Sharpy jawlines , perfect smiles , hot bodies, cute af = THE DOLAN TWINS

Person 1 : Omg look at those hot guys!!

Person 2 : Yeah they’re the Dolan twins (DT)

by Obviouslyme7 December 9, 2018


code for tp (when adults are around) if they ask what it means, say downtown (if u dont get y its code, try flipping the word over)

friend- we are so gonna go dt tonite
dad- whats 'dt'?
me- its downtown, dad, god...

by timmmmboe August 9, 2006


The acronym for "Demon Time".

Is Jeff in the DT clan? Because his username on Xbox is JeffDT.

by ShinDT June 16, 2022


very nice bike

my dt is so fucking nice i almost get an orgasm

by littleturrin February 1, 2018


Demon Time
You ready to fuck all the hoes simple.

friend 1: ayoo im bouta clap shawty over there, im on DT
friend 2: shutcho horny a** up

by September 8, 2020


don’t trip. or this don’t worry about it.

who are you dating ?” “girl. dt.”

by oouuzersss March 8, 2018