1. An offensive name for a homosexual or gay man
2. A 19th century term for a cigarettehugs
1. "Man, look at that dude, he's such a faggot"
2. "Pass me a faggot Sir William"
Faggot: a traditional meat dish but also a label for those who talk about nothing anywhere close to finding a female and distract others whilst doing this.
Best to avoid the faggot as they will try and try to side track you into their way of thinking.
How to confuse a faggot - dont bother you'll only waste your time. Fuck them off at the earliest point.
Get down to the chat with the opposite sex or whatever your interested in and if she's on her toes she'll sidetrack the maggots too.
Good luck.
Faggot; Hes always trying to distract me with shite that's not even closely related to the normal topic of conversations.
Origin,; English. Bundle of sticks, Its simple. Waterproof and safety, its england 15th century, burlap and rope. History gives us exact measurements 3 feet by 6 feet. Are you following, a 3 foot wide by six foot high robed faggot would then be attached to young boy to carry. Dad would have the Ax 1400s. This isnt Disney. Faggot is slang for a Monk fucking a child. It is also the fuel they used to burn peoole at the stake. Its is vitriol. Flamming Faggot.
The faggot abbot fled the continent.
Bundle of sticks out in the backyard alongside their fathers.
Yo yo yo! Just got me some faggots! I intend on displaying them out in the yard!
Faggots are meatballs made from minced off-cuts and offal.
Dude 1: Yo, you smell like an absolute faggot bro.
Dude 2: Damn old spice meat sweats let me down heavy bro.
A vulgar derogatory slang word that people use against those under LGBTQIA+ members: specifically those who have sexual feelings for the same sex. It is used mostly by those who try their best at spreading their masculinity.
The word has had many definitions. In the 17th Century of English speaking: Faggot meant a bundle of sticks carried by laborers on their backs (though may say this is an urban myth). It's known by the British as a meatball. FaggoTING meant either lace knitting or forge wielding. There was even a cell called the word from a type of leukemia. However, the definition that comes to mind rose in the early 20th Century.
Faggot is known as an insult to gay men, queers, homos, and even lesbians. Those who are called the world are highly offended by it, claiming the user as "homophobic." However, there are some instances where those who get offended by it use the word toward/against other gays. It's quite a controversial word. Like other words, faggot is known to be a word that only those who it's toward can use without it's meaning being interpreted, causing hypocrisy amongst the community and the heterosexual one.
"Man, look at these faggots and their bar. We should burn that shit down."