Sticking a dick in someones nose
Lets perform bulgarian booger basher on a homeless guy
One who indulges in Anal Penetration
Get your hand off my cock you fuckin' Funnel Basher
A gang that Bashes someone’s bumhole
The bumhole basher gang will come for you
When a car has an exhaust, say at the track, and when they hold high revs it sounds like 'bang, bang, bang." Slow, loud chugs og the exhaust before blowing off the line.
dat vdub had a crazy barn basher exaust
A Dirty basher is the act of taking the most lovable doggo in the world on a walk after it rains. He tracks mud everywhere in the house. But that's okay, because he's the goodest boy. Now, go give him a treat, you monster!
I wrote a sentence using the word "dirty basher."
The art of bashing a Billy. Terminology used by those who bash Billys. A Billy can be a goat, a liqourice flavoured tree-stump or just someone named Billy.
Hey man, stop bashing my Billy! You Billy-basher!