Crust wink... Morning eye crust which causes you to wink to get the crust out first thing when you arise.
Uncle Marty assumed that Aunt Cindy was winking at him first thing in the morning. Come to find out- just a crust wink. 😉
a slit in the crotch of a woman's pants exposing part of her vagina.
While riding the ski lift the woman next to me said, "Oh I have a vag wink in my pants."
Brenda fell and tore her pants exposing her vagina.
I feel the cold air on my vagina, I must have a vag wink going on.
When you can feel your tampon peeking out of your vagina.
Woman 1: I am rocking a major stick wink right now.
Woman 2: Oh god, do you need me to come to the bathroom with you?
Woman 1: Yeah, I might need another one;
when a man with any kind of facial hair over the age of 25 winks at you instead of smiling or doing a small wave when passing
you: *feint smile*
pedo: *Pedo wink*
run. just run.
The wrinkles on one's anus that resembles crow's feet when someone winks... only on your buthole
Man, my wrinkle winks are itchy from whipping my ass with that Poison Oak.
The closing of the butthole on your finger as you touch your sphincter in a winking motion
Nick Colvin isn't satisfied until his sphincter winks.
It's French fries. When someone has fries and you want them so you wink at the person until they get the hint .
I kept winking at him until he gave me the wink winkers.