A horrible human who will fly you to the fuck bend just to break up with you. causes many emotional breakdowns and LIES
"I love you"
"I can't say it back. Can I break up with you?"
"Fuck you, Joey"
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Usually the kind of guy that has an incredibly small penis. In fact, so small that people wonder if it exists at all
Wait.... Joey even has a penis?
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A fuckin retard who has a tiny penis, ususally they like to be an asshole because no one likes you. Also a cringey musical.ly kid
God, look at that Joey, I hope he dies
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Someone who is very obnoxious, but yet always makes you smile or laugh. Easy to get along with or forgive. You could talk to him forever without noticing the time or whats going on.
Joey: Ima lick you
Annabeth:Nooooooooo (runs)
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The name joey is really gay so if anyone names their kid joey then everyone is definitely going to make fun of you because once you name your kid joey prepare for him to be gay
That guy is acting like a total fucking joey go ask him what his name is.
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The whitest boy you have ever seen. He is the equivalent to a blonde lesbian. thinks he can get in any girls pants. looks like a downs syndrome tiger. made some shitty music.lys
joey is hella gay bro and hes stupid as shit.
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THE HOCO KING...Can get any girl he wants. He looks just like pennywise the clown and loves to hit pennywise mode, but everyone knows he cant hang. Loves to go home and watch Seinfeld with his dog instead of hanging with the boys. He's terrible at basketball, but thinks he's Lebron James.
Tyler: Joey you're actually terrible at basketball
Joey: WTF you mean! I'm Lebron Nibba
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