Source Code

Custody By Default

When you don't actually get custody of your children, however they turn 18 and can do whatever they want anyways.

Lindsey claims she won her custody case however it was custody by default because her daughter turned 18.

by Turd Flusher Magoo July 24, 2023

Default Abs

When a dude has abs because he's so skinny.

Omg Katie, did you see Tristan's abs?
Girl he's like 100 lbs...those are default abs.

by savagebeach11 December 12, 2016

Default dance

A dance were a skin hurts your feelings.

Oh I'll just Default dance on his grave real quick

by Venompool July 10, 2019

Default fat

An excuse that an overweight person such might make when asked about their body

Matthew - “I’m default fat, this is how my body’s always been

by Wertwarrior October 14, 2023

A default

A cis straight white man. The default setting of the world.

Also can be used to describ just cis straight men or women in general. Although it's typically more cis men then Cis women who do default behavior.

He's being such a default

Shut up you stupid default

Are the defaults ok?
Those damn defaults control the whole world

by skint head August 20, 2023

default gender

When you talk about something without a gender you’re biased to make the gender of non-gendered thing your gender.

Default gender is a term in which someone uses their own pronouns for an inanimate object
“Tell chat gpt to write 18 short stories, pick 2 and tell him to mush them both together”

by MB dictionary March 29, 2024

Fat default

A bad and basic person

That girl Ashley is a fat default

by Alexxe March 30, 2019