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90's rock

Best rock music ever. Period.

I just listened to the latest 90's rock. It so beats the lame modern music.
The coolest of hipsters listen to 90's rock and none else.
"Hey, Jim, what's up?" I ask. "Oh just listening to 90's rock with my girlfriend. She loves this shit."

by Kittrapper January 27, 2014

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90's geek

Don't let the word geek confuse you. These are the type of people that are into 90's clothing, music, trends, and anything that has to do with the 90's pop culture and mainstream; but will still also be in touch in today's trends. One of the coolest type of people you'll ever meet.

A chick who's a 90's geek will wear: chokers, crop top, overalls, jelly shoes

by galaxywh0re July 12, 2015

90's kid

A 90's kid is someone who was a kid in the 90's. To determine what a 90's kid is, we have to define "90's" and "kid".

90's - Personally, I consider the 90's period to have been about late 1991 to 2001; if I had to put dates on it, it's July 1, 1991 (the midpoint of 1991) to September 10, 2001 (due to the tragic and massively changing events of the next day), however years as early as 1989 and as late as 2003 can be considered to have 90's influence.

Kid - Not a toddler or a teen; personally, I'd consider a kid age 4 - 12, inclusive, however the "kid" period could start as early as 2 or as late as 14 for some people.

What I would consider a 90's kid would be someone who spent a majority of their kid years in the 90's; ergo, born January 1, 1983 - March 10, 1993. The "perfectly 90's" kid, who spent the entirety of their kid years in the 90's would be born July 1, 1987 - September 11, 1988. However, due to personal experience, someone born outside this range could still be a 90's kid, and someone born inside this range could be an 80's or 00's kid. So if you're born in, say, 1981 or 1994 (or any time between the late 1970s and late 1990s) and consider yourself a 90's kid, have at it. There's also hybrids of two decades and all kinds of other stuff, it's not a hard line.

Person A was born July 17, 1988, obviously a 90's kid.
Person B was born June 4, 1983, they're a 90's kid.
Person C was born December 25, 1992, they're a 90's kid.

Person D was born January 26, 1984, but they consider themselves an 80's kid, they're an 80's kid.
Person E was born August 31, 1992, but they consider themselves a 00's kid, they're an 00's kid.
Person F was born May 2, 1981, but they consider themselves a 90's kid, they're a 90's kid.
Person G was born February 19, 1995, but they consider themselves a 90's kid, they're a 90's kid.
Person H was born December 6, 1973, they're too old to be remotely a 90's kid.
Person I was born March 19, 2002, they're too young to be remotely a 90's kid.

by hoyclan June 2, 2019

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Mid 90's

The only years being full mid 90's from beginning to end are 1994-1995.

The 90's decade is 99% mathematically accurate divided as follows:
Early 90's: January 1st, 1990-April 30, 1993 (40 months)
Mid 90's: May 1st, 1993-August 31st, 1996 (40 months)
Late 90's: September 1st, 1996-December 31st, 1999 (40 months)

So 1993 is early-mid and 1996 is mid-late, but both years are mostly mid 90's. They are both transitional years. Many people lazily attach the year 1993 to the early 90's because the number "3" appears early on the number line, or because they don't count 1990 as part of the 90's decade, but in reality 1993 is both mathematically and culturally part of the mid 90's.

"1993 was culturally the beginning of the mid 90's"
"How so?"
"Yes, that's the year the 90's really began to feel different from the very early 90's, Grunge music was mainstream, the first WTC bombing occured, the World Wide Web became public and AOL starts sending disks to thousands of households to connect them to the Internet."

by WWIIheroe October 10, 2021

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90 270

The vagina of a woman of Asian descent. This references the degree of rotation of her vagina in relation to the Caucasian woman's vagina of 0/180 degrees

That 90 270 is SICK! I'd hit that!

by Craig October 29, 2002

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Going 90's

The act of doing something or wearing something that is generally considered synonymous with the decade of the 1990's.

-Wearing a flannel sweater around your waist by tying the sleeves like a sash is "Going 90's

-Flannel in general

-Watching the First Season of Power Rangers

-Listening to Grunge Rock

-Raising your kids on Barney or Sesame Street

by 90's Kid September 9, 2009

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90 day wonder

Military officer whose source of commission is the 90-day OCS program. Characterized by feeling inferior to service academy grads. And rightly so.

I told that 90-day wonder that my socks have more time in service than he does.

by Salty Sam 02 August 21, 2003

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