Aaron is the coolest guy you can meet he plays guitar he plays basketball and he is ice funny and cool he would be there for you when you need him he will make you feel happy no matter what he will be there he is a really good friend he is very Talkative but he can make friends really easy in relashionsips Aaron will love and be there for the person he loves oof I wish I had an Aaron by my side
Damm Aaron is so fucking hot and he plays guitar that makes him even hotter
He's, a skateboarding, pot head. He has a short temper but a soft spot for his friends.
Person A: damn Aaron is a jerk
Person B (friend of Aaron): nah he a soft boy
A sexy intellectual god has a huge dick and gets a lot of females. Also, has a 12 pack and the fucking hilarious. He will also steal your girl no matter what you do because he's better than you.
"Omg is that Aaron I wanna have sex with him!"
"Arya is so gay, Aaron is 10 times better than him no cap"
"Me so horny for Aaron"
The kid that is scary, emo and is ready to beat your ass any second of the day.
Go fuck yourself. -aaron
Aaron was caught singing boats and hoes in a public bathroom
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Aaron is a really kind and adorable person who you should keep for a life time!! He will always be there for you at your hard times and he will try his best on cheering you up! He is extremely cute and caring. He will cuddle you and that's the best part. He is a joyful person who also makes other people smile and happy :D You should keep your Aaron, keep him safe and take care of him! He also needs love and attention as he also has done a lot to you.<3 He may be serious sometimes but he is a very understandable person as well, don't find him as a mean or bad person just because he has done something rude for once as that is something normal we all do. >:( He is known as a qt, actually a very big qt (^▽^ʃ♡ƪ) Don't treat him badly, he is too adorable! :c Also you should love your Aaron a lot, he has done and went through a lot in life so show him sum love! <3 Aaron's are also known as the best person in the world, as the biggest qt, kindest and adorable person you'll meet!! Keep them, don't betray them.
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I need a cuddle from my Aaron! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
My Aaron is the best!