A group of males charactarized by excessive cologne, jeans that appear to have been attacked by sasquach, and often a relentless love for the bullshit techno their store insists on blarings throughout the entire mall. They often have their own 'abercrombie' parties where the Justin Timberlake cd is purposely placed on repeat, and the members of team Abercrombie engage in drinking several hardcore beverages..like mai tais and pina coladas, as they exchange hilarious gossip about the hideous fashion taste of the Stock Room Crew.
In addition, they will often seek out your girlfriend, considering, i mean, like, who wouldn't want a boy with a perfect shag haircut and jeans suitable for a man battling the harsh reality of the streets. annnnd, i mean shit.. he makes-- what? $5 an hour? who could resist
yo son, watch out... Team Abercrombie is all over your girl! step up nigga!
nah nah nah. Team Abercrombie can take the bitch home. their wieners don't work anyway, on account of the 'roids.
64๐ 8๐
You're nothing if you're not Perfect...
First off, I used to work as an in store model in the London store of Abercrombie and Fitch. I didn't go for the job because i loved the store or the clothes(actually i'd never even been in!), i got scouted and thought i'd have a go as i need some extra money. At the interveiw/casting we had our pictures taken and then sat in a group and were asked questions. One of which was "why do you think diversity is important in the work place?"i answered the question and didn't give it another thought until I got the job and went for the training day. We sat in a small room waiting to start and i look around. Every single girl in the room was over 5'8", thin and gorgeous. Every guy was muscular tanned and very attractive. As the day went on and the rules came out it got more and more clear that they didn't want even the tinest bit of diversity. They have a mold and the expect you to stick to it. Everyday before you work you are checked by the "visual" team. If they deem you unfit to take the floor, you get put in the stock room underground. I completely agree with some of the people saying "it's just a store! let people wear what they want!" but at the end of the day it's not. It's a brand image that makes kids believe you're nothing if you're not perfect.
350๐ 62๐
A power couple made up of a preppie guy wearing abercrombie and fitch and his girlfriend who is supermodel good looking and stuck up so high planes have to avoid her and they won't even acknolodge you exist.
Hey, there goes abercrombie and bitch!
603๐ 168๐
A store that was formed in 1892 as a hunting supply/surplus company. Is now a clothing store popular on college campuses and high schools. More expensive than most other clothing stores, (Gap, American Eagle, Old Navy, etc.) yet people still pay for it. Also owns two stores targeted at elementary/middle school-aged kids: abercrombie (all lower case) and Hollister Co., which is supposed to have a California/surfer image. Love it or hate it, it isn't going to go anywhere for a while.
I used to hate this store because everyone wore it, but then I pulled my head out of my ass and realized that they're just clothes.
1708๐ 511๐
A store that makes a majority of it's sales off of near pornographic advertisement and the false promise of higher quality materials in their clothing. A majority of this clothing is made in China and India, while it is designed in the United States. The clothes are very inexpensive to make, as the materials and wages per average item cost around $8.00. Reports of child labor have been proven false by FBI investigations in Southeast Asia, but it has been verified that the labor conditions are harsh, and the average wage of workers has been established at 75% below the national standard. (In other words, $1.29 an hour.) This clothing store is generally associated with the higher classes, but can also be found sported by lower classes, who feel inclined to shop there in order to fit in with those above them on the financial ladder. In summary, the claims of higher quality material and manufacture made by Abercrombie and Fitch are unfounded. People must admit that they are buying a label and simply that. The same is true for A + F's subsidiary company Hollister Co, though Hollister is not under fire for obscene advertisement. Those who choose to shop at Abercrombie or Hollister may do as they wish, however they should not feel entitled to superior treatment as there are millions of people with superior clothing brands who are at this very moment, laughing their asses off at the unfounded arrogance of most A + F shoppers. For those A + F shoppers out there who cant think of these brands, try these on for size: (Armani Exchange, Giorgio Armani, Emporio Armani, Gianni Versace, Prada, Gucci, Chanel, Fendi, Mark Jacobs, Dior, Pucci, Missoni.... and the list goes on. So next time A + F shoppers feel like snubbing someone for wearing less expensive clothing than them, realize that there is always someone better than you, and that they are looking down on you in the exact same way....
A+F Girl/Boy: "Look at that girl in her Wal-Mart capris! Oh my god, I would never even be seen in a Wal-Mart with all that poor trash!"
Armani Girl/Boy: "Look that girl in her abercrombie & fitch capris! What a bunch of jack-ass poor people trying to look rich. I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those crappy stores, I'd probably get mugged or something..."
Prada Girl/Boy: "Look at that girl in her Armani Exchange capris! Thinks she is all bad ass or something! What a stupid dumb-ass, always trying to compete with the truly rich, why cant poor people just admit that they are poor and dress the part?"
See? The list goes on...
1471๐ 449๐
They made thongs for 10 year olds.
Excuse me while I choke on my own vomit.
Why the fuck did Abercrombie & Fitch think 10 year olds would wear thong panties? And what kind of parents actually buy them for their daughters?
926๐ 285๐
Noun; the type of guy who wears Abercrombie clothing, extremely trendy, and will not stop until everyone knows it. Also thinks he is better than anyone else. Usually a guy in a fraternity. Abbreviated: AAss.
Look at that Abercrombie Asshole with his stupid scarf.
135๐ 38๐