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Schaeffer Academy

A private, classical christian school in Minnesota. Students that attend Schaeffer are often called Schaefferites and know each other fairly well. Schaefferites are defined by their ability to write, but not speak Latin fluently. This is considered a useless skill by most within the school. The school forces students to wear uniforms, but allows the occasional mufti (this is a highly celebrated and anticipated event) day. Students who graduate from Schaeffer will for certain know these five things:

1. The yearbook password for the computer lab

2. Every student and their cousin's name

3. The Apostle's Creed

4. Who Francis Schaeffer is

5. Notitia, Assensus, Fiducia

To reprimand students, teachers will give out demerits. This is a pointless piece of paper de- meriting the students actions. No one cares about them, well, except for a few people.

Finally, three things Schaeffer graduates will never understand are...
1. Why we can't chew gum.

2. What white rabbit really means and why we always say it...
3. Why we can't have our end of the year water fight anymore.

*Non schaefferites will often spell Schaeffer like Shaffer or schaffer...this is how you spot a wannabe.

I learned Latin at Schaeffer Academy for 6 years, and I still can't speak it!

by imonasafari September 27, 2011

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

bbg academy

an absolute mess full of road men and girls who’s foundation doesn’t match their actual skin tones. we call these chavs.
the teachers try their best as they hear the deafening cries of the (sh)IT girls using terms such as 'errr' and 'fuck off'. Students sit at desks doing a range of tiktok dances and threatening the staff with their whining voices. Year 7's are a walking trip hazard with a mouldy croissant sitting at the top of their head, oh that's their hair.. For lunch, have a tuna sandwich which contains more butter than tuna. Or the ever popular ham, now with 100% added fat.

BBG academy... Ofsted rated 'good'

by BBGBAJDBDD February 1, 2020

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Ezra Academy

If you don't get into this school then you should question your life decisions. Make sure you are there by 8:15 if you want your phone. This is a last resort school for broke Jews who cannot afford other yeshivas. A school for basic queens bukharian kids who don't know how to act. Nic is an essential school supply for bathrooms. Don't get caught skipping any classes, smoking, or without uniform with Rabbi Friedler snooping the halls. He can smell you breaking the rules from his office. Rabbi Gellers chulant includes basic chulant ingredients like dead cat, racoon, and any roadkill on queens blvd. It causes stomach viruses and all sorts of pain throughout your body. Don't get caught even speaking to a female specimen without people thinking ya'll are fucking or hooking up. Last of all we cannot forget that grumpy mf Rabbi Freilich who be walking around growling in the halls about going to class.

It's Ezra what do you expect lol.
Ezra academy- A last resort Yeshiva for bukhs and wannabe bukhs

by Mr. Weinberg October 1, 2022

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Newark Academy

A rich co-ed private school located in Livingston, New Jersey. Known for their diversity, containing White, Black, Latino, and Indian students. The most common religion being Judiasm (about 60%), followed by Buddhism, Christianity, and Hinduism. Excellent academics with very good college placement. They are most well known for their outstanding tennis teams. Lately their boys and girls soccer teams have won their Conference titles, as well as the boys basketball, baseball, and fencing teams.

"If you want to go to an Ivy and work hard, I suggest you apply to Newark Academy"

by Bizank January 23, 2005

288πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž

Thayer Academy

1) An ancient prep school in Braintree, Massachusetts that resembles Hogwarts on a winter's night;
2) A place where heatwaving, Nalgene bottles, upturned collars, Ugg boots, anything-but-hetero- sexual teachers, genious children, and money are all the rage.

1) Hey, it's 10:00 and I'm still here for Richins' play rehearsal, and I'm freezing my ass off. The tall, pointy towers and sketchy wooden doors kinda make this place look like a haunted school for wizard children;
2) I just turned my friend's bag inside out cuz I have nothing better to do, my water bottle is my best friend, my collar is so straight up I can touch it with my tounge, my furry snow boots are my best friend from November to April, I must ponder the sexual orientation of most of my teachers, my friends and I get super-good grades cuz we're from wholesome families, I have incredible amounts of dough to squander on my bratty children because we are a wholesome family.

by anon June 28, 2004

272πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž

Ribet Academy

A PreK-12th grade private school in Los Angeles. AKA

"foreign fantasy."
About 50 percent of the kids in high school that go there are from out of the country.ex. china,germany,brazil,etc.
A few are average or below look wise..but majority of the foreign exchanges are ridicuously attractive.
Especially the asian and brazilian girls.
Everyone has money but noone really looks down on anyone suprisingly.
Known for its academics,not so much sports.
Chill school in general.

Joe-Hey what school do you go to?
Mark-Ribet Academy

Joe-Ahhh shit man hook me up with some sweet foreign pussy!

by dudewheresmybitch1 December 8, 2010

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Durham Academy

A Private school in NC which is well dressed, but not preppy. It gets kids into good schools so they can become big ballers. The public school kids donot like durham academy becasue after highschool they will be flipping burgers, while the DA kids are getting good jobs and driving sexy cars

Durham Academy is so preppy......
Nope... theyre just smart and make you look like the dumbass you are

by Sbalz4ever January 29, 2011

194πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž