Mohammad- Praiseworthy; glorified, highly praised or one who constantly thanks God.
A very attractive person whom is rare to find. He is a loyal person and acts like a bitch sometimes, but always is kind at the end. If ever seen a Mohammad, be his friend because he's a keeper.
Ahmed- This name derived from the last messenger and prophet of Allah, Muhammed (may peace and blessings be upon him), which "Ahmed" is a shorter version of the name "Muhammed".
Mohammad Ahmed is very good looking and handsome man. I've found him very attractive.
“Hey, that’s my Mohammad Ahmed!”
“Omg, that dog is so cute! What breed is it?”
“It’s a Mohammad Ahmed”
Naleye Ahmed is a subclan of reer darawiish
she's naleye ahmed
the best person ever. he’s a bit loud and can be annoying but has a massive heart and only has your best intentions in mind. usually comes up with dark, complex plans that have good outcomes. a true anti-hero and a perfect man. he’s also praised for his rugged good lucks. he is however a massive heart throb and a huge simp. don’t be surprised if he steals you girl ;)
“Yusuf Ahmed has such an odd personality but i love him”
Having sexual intercourse with “Ahmed” and not being able to walk after the fact.
I had sex last night. I fully feel The Ahmed Effect…He fully put Ahmed Effected me.