Source Code

Archie jones trap

Being against archie to then find out you’ve fallen for him, the ‘archie jones trap

“You’ve just fallen for the archie jones trap

Oh fuck off

by Shitchatter11 August 8, 2022

archie crumell

a guy who’s buns weed on a daily and sits in doors all day and won’t come meet his friends

That guys a Archie crumell

by Jmulla773 June 16, 2019

archie slattery's cock

such a girthy object it's rediculous i swear to god i would do anything for a tug.

Gir1l: I want archie slattery's cock

by willy12369 June 17, 2022

se driller chez archie

when someone wanted to masturbate inside Archie's house (from the comicbook series Archie)

Come on guys! Let's go "se driller chez Archie"! It would be nice if his mom was there!

by felixthecat29 October 2, 2018

archie wall

really cute young man that loves going to school

"i love archie wall so much"
"me too"

by sammystubs April 26, 2022


When a Male sends another Male a picture of his balls and attempts to rectify act by calling immediately after in order to save face.

"Yo bro; delete your ASAP! I was on the phone with Becky and I accidentally Archie-Ball'd you"


"Hey you better watch out for the Archie-Ball'd"

by TheNoBueno March 16, 2019

archie boyd

An atmosphere of doom and gloom.

im having a bit of 'archie boyd' day today

by magicphenomenon October 16, 2010