Source Code

Sassy Bagel

A sassy bagel is otherwise known as the common household donut

Person 1: hey, whatcha got there?
Person 2: a sassy bagel *holds up round pastry*
Person 1: .... that's a donut!

by awkward banjo July 31, 2010

Rainbow Bagel

A Rainbow bagel is a homosexual/queer version of the breakfast item: Bagels

Yo, homesquare would you care for a rainbow bagel since you are openly queer.

by Johnnie Walkers Friend February 26, 2022

Bagel Virgin

A person who has never had a bagel in their entire life.

Person 1: Hey, did you know that Luke is a Bagel Virgin

Person 2: What?! Luke has never had a bagel before?!
Person 1: I know! Its crazy right?

by Scene_Elf_Boy February 20, 2022

having a bagel

To masturbate. Typically used when discussing masturbation in public settings.

Dad: Honey, have you noticed how often we catch our son having a bagel?

Mom: Why yes, he gets crumbs everywhere!

by Anonymou5555555555 January 25, 2011

Bagel Dong

A penis which is short,round and wide. Not a desirable thing, can be a result of a high-impact accident in the genetal area.

I wipped out my Bagel dong on her back last night, she was so dissapointed, girls just don't appreciate variety anymore.

by jewishdave February 3, 2011

Cheesin' the Bagel

When a boy ejaculates all over the hood of the vagina.

"Dude, I cheesed her bagel so hard last night. Cream cheese was everywhere" - Cheesin' the Bagel

by Queef Burrito July 30, 2012

toast the bagels

Coded language about killing Jews

A man sits next to another man on a park bench - they look around carefully, “Make the call; it’s time to toast the bagels,” the one man says to the other.

by Cyclone B March 9, 2019