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wallet bait

When an advert (online or offline) or a general public marketing stunt involves a rather attractive and bewitching female to stimulate either:

a) enough interest that you will click the advert (online) or visit their site (offline).


b) interest in buying their product(s).

Sometimes the link between the attractive woman and the actual product can be ridiculously tenuous.

"Those Facebook ads with that cute chick on are total wallet bait. The service itself sucks!"

"Dude convention girls are such wallet bait, I spent 20 minutes chatting to 'Jenny', I don't even *like* cars."

by Matthew1471 April 10, 2009

Nate Bait

A nate who has a concealed bomb strapped to him

Guy 1: We need a distraction to rob the bank, but it's in the middle of -insert texas county here-.
Guy 2: Get the Nate Bait.

by CaptainZ15 September 1, 2020

DDS Baiting

a type of troll meme used to bait Philippine President Duterte's fanbase commonly referred to as DDS (Duterte Diehard Supporters) into believing that a famous international personality (celebrity, politician, influencer etc), be it alive or dead, is in support or commends the actions and achievements of the president.

eg. (in a meme format, accompanied by the picture of a particular personality) "I commend President Digong for his undying love and support for his countrymen and fellow Filipinos. He is the epitome of a great leader every country needs." -Billie Eilish, American singer

Man, this meme page's shitposts are gold. DDS baiting memes always cracks me up.

by lesbowser March 21, 2020


An advertising scheme composed of sexual imagery designed to increase customer traffic or click-through rate. It is a simple advertising gimmick based on the adage, "sex sells."

For example, billboards, banner ads, YouTube thumbnails, and etc., using nude or sparsely clothed models to misrepresent the product or content beyond the imagery.

Usage 1:
This YouTube channel flesh-baits users into viewing videos.

Usage 2:
All that advertisement is doing is flesh-baiting customers.

by JamesSalem February 9, 2013

Log bait

Log bait is a deck in clash royale that noobs use. It requires 0 skill because all you do is spam goblin barrel at random places.

Log bait players usually like sucking huge cocks and masturbating to gay porn.

Log bait players are usually massively overleveled having max cards at challenger 1 or 2. Classic and modified log bait are equally gay to use and log bait players are bullied at school.

I use log bait because I suck at the game so I just spam goblin barrel.

by 3.0 X-bow pro July 6, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

pogey bait

The Marines in China before WW II were issued candy (Baby Ruths, Tootsie Rolls, etc.) as part of their their ration supplements. At the time, sugar and other assorted sweets were rare commodities in China and much in demand by the Chinese, so the troops found the candy useful for barter in town.

The Chinese word for prostitute, roughly translated, is "pogey". Thus, Marines being Marines, candy became "Pogey Bait".

Platoon leaders should control the use of pogey-bait and non-issue food.

by Ninefingers October 23, 2003

572๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž

bait one

Something that is obvious to everyone around.

Randomer eating chips- I'm eating chips
Maz-that's a bait one mate!

by Maz_thisguy November 22, 2013

32๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž