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8 ballin

using your tounge to eat butt in a figure 8 motion.

Marc- Why does your breath smell like butt?
Austin- Cause I've been 8 ballin.

by Marc&Austin January 3, 2012

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monkey ballin

1. The act of hanging around and bullshitting. Often used synonimously with the term stagalate. This word originates from the Southern regions of the Chicagoland Area by a species known as late-ass-us-colorus-people-timus.

2. The one friend that manages to stop all productive activities. This person (the monkey baller) usually has nothing better to do with there time so they proceed with dumb questions and even dumber activities that distract others f/ completing tasks

1. Dude 1: I thought we was hittin the club tonight

Dude 2: We are man shit stop rushing I'm almost ready.

Dude 1: Stop lyin n*gga you been sittin here playin that game for the past three hours. Im leavin cuz yo ass gonna keep monkey ballin.

2. You need to quit hangin around Sam's monkey ballin ass. Keep fuckin around you ain't never gonna have that paper done.

by The Life October 19, 2007

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Nasal Ballin

The act of sniffing cocaine through ones nose- typically the majority of an 8-ball.

Damn, that nigga is coked up. He be straight nasal ballin

by Michael Loscocco February 9, 2009

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dirty ballin'

When a man wears the same underwear for multiple days without washing them.

Seth forgot his underwear but didn't want to buy more so he was dirty ballin' for six days.

by Seth Jacalyn July 11, 2008

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Free Ballin

When a male goes with out underwear or boxers. Or they want to get air onto their balls.

1. I'm not wearing undies, because I wanted to let my balls hang low. So, I guess I'm free ballin.

2. Watch out guys! Free baller in da house!

3. Homey G, I'm free ballin today.

4. I have no clean underwear for today. Looks like I'm free ballin!

by N1gzPl3@s3!!! September 24, 2011

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A ganster/pimpin way to say Trick-or-Treat

O thats pretty Trick-or-Ballin

by RMW Bucoman November 10, 2007


Answering your own question on Quora. (Verb).

You wondered. You waited... You didn't rely solely on Quora to serve you knowledge. You chatted in real life. You researched. AHA! You found an answer! You returned to Quora and took time to file your answer, saving future generations time and effort. You are the best. You are q-ballin'.

Like in pool, the q ball controls it all. On Quora, q-ballers have got the questions, and the answers.

by SallySaysItAll April 13, 2019

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