The most dumbass person you will ever meet. He’s fucking retarded and he’s a faggot.
I feel like that autistic kid’s name is Beck
When someone is good looking
He’s beck or he is a beck
She’s beck or she is a beck
A name for a boy or usually a nickname. If a boy has this name he is a cool guy. Like, a real cool guy.
If a girl has this name her name/middle name/surname is probably “Becky”, “Rebecca”, etc. And she’s probably also really cool and chill. And funny. Or maybe she was just born with the name Beck.
Person 1: “Hey you know Beck? He’s from a book called Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.”
Person 2: “Oh I thought you were talking about some girl named Beck on Discord.”
This boy is pretty cool ngl.
If it’s a girl, dang you kinda cool.
Person 1: “You know Beck? Yeah, he’s from a book called Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.”
Person 2: “Oh I thought he was that one girl from Discord.”
A man who always smiles and makes other people smile too. He can do everything he loves to be and He is very talented and full of love and kindness. Sometimes he looks like a child. Sometimes it looks sober at the same time. So You have a such very charming name.
beck wants to commit suicide cause people are bitches and lucia said i have a short and stubby...
someone please buy me a toaster so i can kill myselkf in a bath
beck wants to commit toaster bath