Bimbo- a stupid xhjdxjiejdjsdhdh person
Example: “ariel is such a bimbo”
bimbo is like a way of live i totally don’t have to lik thinks or do seriously boring things Like that
Soo Basically Bimbo life is lik ummm literally tha best
A beautiful, but dumb person
Look at that Bimbo she is so pretty.
a physically attractive but unintelligent man.
"he is hot"
"Yeah, but a bimbo."
"Sieht der Markus nicht heiß aus? Den würd´ ich ficken, wenn er einen großen Schwanz hat und er gut im Bett ist."
"Er ist ein Bimbo. Die meisten Jungs hier sind Bimbos."
Man, that dude is such a bimbo for not knowing what seminary is!
Girls who look real pretty, act nice to everyone but are not too bright in the brain department, are foolishly naive and therefore an easy score. Shouldn't be mistaken for sluts as sluts are not nice and have a high chance of being smart and cunning with men.
Lucy: Why did you even sleep with him if you didn't like him?
Tiffany: I don't knoooow. I just say "no" to peopleee aha haha.
Lucy: *sigh* You are such a bimbo.